Products > TREX (TRansfer EXport Import)


The TREX app allows TRansfer, EXport and import of company data as Zipped Json files (from single tables up to a whole company). Useful for backups, restores and quick-starts across BC versions as well as data transfer to third-party apps.


  • changes from

    Import Files can now be filtered upon import to restrict the tables imported.

    Media and Blob field are now optional in both export and import.

    Saving files can now be directed to OneDrive, though it defaults to use local file download.

    Small Fix: the only permissible table for import in the id range ≥2000000000 is the "Record Links" table : 2000000068. The slight exception to this is that media field and mediaset fields are handled indirectly as if they were stored on records as blobs.

Supporting Documentation

> How To Use
> Installation Guide
> Privacy Policy
> End User License Agreement